Higher Education

With thousands of students to protect and dozens of facilities to continuously maintain,
AIRIA provides higher educational institutions with 24/7 insights into how their campuses are utilized.


With thousands of young students dispersed across campuses, buildings, and lawns, 24/7 situational awareness empowers campus safety teams to effectively perform their duties—ensuring the safety of students and faculty.

Space Optimization

With declining enrollments, rising utility costs, and 30-60% of higher education buildings underutilized, AIRIA furnishes campus operators with 24/7 "Data-as-Evidence" about facility usage, aiding in space management decisions.


"Higher education institutions are adapting to the rapidly changing technology environment while managing stretched capital expense budgets. Many are also facing an increase in violence on campus. AIRIA is a tool that both provides opportunities to create new efficiencies in facility usage - while reducing carbon footprint - and increase cross team communication capabilities while preparing for and responding to emergency situations."
ALLEN L. SESSOMS, PHD | Managing Partner, Higher Education Innovation Group, LLP

With enrollments dropping, utility costs rising, and 30-60% of higher education buildings underutilized, AIRIA offers campus operators 24/7 "Data-as-Evidence" regarding facility usage and timing, aiding nationwide space management and cost reduction efforts. AIRIA is essential for use by campus planning, facilities, maintenance/janitorial, programming, and energy teams to optimize school schedules, plans, and operations.

Number of US College Students (2023)

Knowing the value & power of what AIRIA can offer our customers, we wanted to focus where it would be the most impactful for society. With 18 million college students, spread across 4000 institutions and over 5 billion square feet, universities need the assistance with easily optimizing property and protect people.

AIRIA provides campus safety teams a force multiplier, providing real-time insights that can be easily shared on a common operating picture, from patrol car to Security Operations Centers. AIRIA provides a bird's eye view to assist command and control efforts, an intuitive interface that enables easy user onboarding & deployment approach that IT should be okay to help set up.

Our goal is simple: to enable responders to react more efficiently and better assist as meany people on as many campuses as possible.

Maximize the data
you already own

AIRIA is an innovative solution that leverages existing datasources to provide new insights & awareness, regardless of environment, sector and expertise level. Reach out today to learn more.